Eliane Wiebenga is a clinical psychologist, specialised in systemic therapy (family therapy and parent-counselling in general and specialised in Non Violent Resistance and Connecting Authority). For many years Eliane has worked in a psychiatric hospital for children and adolescents. From 2000 she has worked as a therapist, teacher and supervisor in the Lorentzhuis, Institute for systemic therapy, education and consultation in Haarlem, The Netherlands. Eliane is co-author of the Dutch translation (2007) of Haim Omers book ‘Non Violent Resistance, a new approach to aggressive and self-destructive children’ and wrote a revised, actualised manual for parents for this book (2015). Together with her colleague Hans Bom she has introduced Non Violent Resistance and Connecting Authority in The Netherlands by means of lectures, incompany-trainings and supervision all over the country. Hans and Eliane were both among the founders of the Dutch Network on NVR in 2012 and are the authors of multiple articles about Connecting Authority and Non Violent Resistance.