
Hope Anchors the Soul: The Healing Power of Parental Anchoring in Preventing Adolescent Suicide

This lecture explores the development and impact of the Connecting Authority Parent Group, a training program designed for parents of suicidal adolescents. The program equips these parents with tools to lovingly resist self-harming and suicidal behaviors. Combining principles and interventions from Nonviolent Resistance (NVR) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), the program initially faced concerns from parents and professionals, who feared resistance would intensify despair instead of diminishing it. Yet, this method has proven to be deeply effective, helping families to confront these behaviors with both compassion and strength. The program emphasizes open communication, the power of shared experiences, and practical strategies like the “announcement letter,” which fosters nonviolent communication.

A key component of the program is the inclusion of experienced parents and adolescents who have overcome similar crises. As living proof of hope, these individuals provide support and encouragement to new participants, showing that change is possible and families can emerge stronger and more connected from their darkest moments.

Initial evaluations show significant improvements in family relationships and emotional resilience. Backed by research and partnerships with major mental health institutions, the program has already transformed over 100 families and is set to expand further.

In this lecture I will invite you to a philosophical reflection: in resisting suicide, we are not merely opposing death, but fighting for life—rekindling hope, connection, and love. This courageous resistance offers hope as the ultimate anchor that grounds families in their most difficult times.


Kathelijne van Dongen is a systemic familytherapist. Since 2002 she has been working at the child- and adolescent psychiatry department of the University of Leiden, both as practitioner, manager and trainer. In recent years she has been conducting individual- and group therapies using Connecting Authority® and Nonviolent Resistance. She has trained mental health professionals and adapted the training for use in child and adolescent psychiatric units. She has developed a specific parent training, based on principles of Connecting Authority® & Nonviolent Resistance and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, for parents of adolescents with self-harming and suicidal behavior. In 2023 this training was given the prestigious ‘Jan Mokkenstorm Award’ for the best new practice in the field of suicide prevention. With a grant from ZonMW (www.zonmw.nl) new research into this training has started, in collaboration with Haim Omer, Eliane Wiebenga en Hans Bom.

Kathelijne also has a private practice for family- and couple therapy and is the founder of a training and expertise agency on Connecting Authority® and NVR. Kathelijne is supervisor and trainer at the National Association Family Confidential Persons and the Training and Study center for the Judiciary.  Kathelijne is also active in the social domain. She has managed projects for young offenders and NVR/Connecting Authority in several neighborhoods.