Be the change you wish to see in the world! Famous words of Gandhi with a profound meaning. This is an ideal worth pursuing, though in daily practice it is often challenging. Change requires courage and perseverance, especially when you are confronted with situations that you consider undesirable. Is this something you can endure and can you find the courage to slow down in order to show calm resistance? Meanwhile continuing to see the positive in the other person?
Humans are not solitary animals. We exist and give meaning to ourselves through the presence of others. Development and change are best realised when we recognize everyone’s potential, when we know how to position ourselves and when we dare to express ourselves. Resistance against unacceptable and transgressive behaviour is inseparably linked to our need for connection. Let us never forget the R in Non Violent Resistance.
It’s an illusion that we can control others, but that doesn’t mean that we are powerless. There is the alternative of Non Violent Resistance, which we can hear in our minds, feel in our hearts and express in our words and attitudes. It is often so much easier to be kind and to show our sympathy and compassion, but in some situations this isn’t enough. Saying yes only has meaning if you also dare to say no. By expressing yourself and setting boundaries in a nonviolent manner, you show both compassion and decisiveness, without escalations.
Many preceded us – Mahatma Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and Alice Paul – but we can also draw a lot of inspiration from current everyday examples. Such as a dedicated teacher who makes time every day to meet a student, to call him when he is absent and to answer provocative behaviour in a calm and inviting manner. Or the loving mother who sits with her son day after day, she on one side of the barricaded door, he on the other. She talks for a moment and doesn’t demand an answer. She doesn’t force anything, but she is determined not to accept his isolation by showing her presence. Or the employee who is excluded by his colleagues. The feeling of being excluded is well-known to him. As a child he did not know what to do against bullying. Now he will not be driven away, but he comes to his work every day, showing the courage to ask for help and to stand up for his position.
How can you avoid giving up and giving in? How can you persevere in difficult situations? Many situations in families, schools, organizations, in fact throughout the world, ask for courage, determination, connection and solidarity. During this conference we hope to encourage and inspire with concrete stories and examples of how you can connect and resist at the same time.
Anita Bergman
Carla Stals
Debby Kessels
Eliane Wiebenga
Ilse van den Heuvel
Wendy Verspeek
Members from the Dutch Network on Non Violent Resistance and New Authority
With the support from the international community:
Austria: Martin Fellacher, Stefan Ofner
Belgium: Greet Lust, Hilde Leonard, Sieska Baert
Canada: Dan Dulberger
Denmark: Rikke Lyngdam
England: Denise Wilson, Margaret Smith
Germany: Bruno Körner, Martin Lemme
Israel: Irit Schorr-Sapir
And with support of the Lorentzhuis, centre for systemic therapy, education and consultation Haarlem the Netherlands.
We’re absolutely delighted to welcome these key-note speakers to our conference. They will certainly inspire you!
Inspire and be inspired at this beautiful
venue. Attend NVR 2025 and meet old and new colleagues from all over the world.
Six key attitudes for systemic practice in the field of extreme social withdrawal / hikikomori
Not to Go is a No Go: Embracing Nonviolent Resistance and Authority for Global Transformation
Hope anchors the soul.
The healing power of Connecting Authority, based on NVR and DBT, in the prevention of adolescent suicide
The courage of connecting when the iron is hot – neuro de-escalation in practice.
Navigating Anxiety and OCD in Children: a masterclass on the SPACE treatment approach.
Addressing Cross-Generational Factors and Parent Behaviors in Childhood Anxiety and OCD with SPACE
Bridging NVR and basic neuroscience: the scientific base for building courage and resilicience with imaginary methods
Beyond words: The courage to do (practice what we preach)
“Doctor, please prescribe me NVR instead of Ritalin” – The effectiveness of NVR VS. Medication, in treating ADHD and ODD in children.
Parents as Anchors for Their Children in Cases of Human Trafficking
Hope Anchors the Soul,
the healing power of parental anchoring in the prevention of adolescent suicide.
The courage of connecting when the iron is hot. Neuro de-escalation® in practice.
Approaches to Supporting Complex Families through ReAttach and NVR.
‘Reward & Punishment’ and how it interferes with a New Authority and Non Violent Resistance attitude.
Fostering the courage for resistance when parental mental health is eroded by their young person’s substance misuse.
A transformation process to authority for people who take responsibility for leadership.
Connecting and resisting- Irish practitioners’ experiences of working with parents, CPVA and NVR.
The announcement and sit-in also call for courageous teachers:
what do they need?
Gandhi didn’t care: how therapeutic and political Non Violent Resistance differ.
Courage to Act: Empowering professionals to Support Parents of Adolescents with Eating Disorders
Embracing Resistance: insights and experiences from a therapeutic daycare-program for teenagers with various psychiatric problems
The courage to trust again. – What does it take to regain the trust of a wounded child?
Safe Harbour, Presence, Vigilant Care and Moments of Love in the work with babies and toddlers.
Creating Effective Family Supports with Innovation and Limited Resources using a group hybrid NVR model and Polyvagal theory.
The power of narrative reflections in Non Violent Resistance: how to find the courage to engage and persist in NVR.
From the search between ‘forceful or careful care’ to a focus on establishing the relationship and enabling nonviolent resistance.
The main conference will take place on April 4th and 5th 2025, 9.00 – 17.00h.
Prices are from €475 – €525 depending on the date of registration.
For the participants of the main conference it is also possible to register for a ‘walking dinner’ in Brewery Poesiat & Kater op April 4th 2025 (price € 40,- for food and 2 drinks; tickets limited to 200 persons: full is full.)
In addition to the main conference we organise 3 pre-conference Masterclasses on April 3rd, afternoon only, 14.00 – 17.00h. It is possible to register for these masterclasses in addition to or apart from the main conference. Fixed price € 110,-
Invoicing will be provided by HOEZO! Projectmanagement & Conferences. If you have questions about your registration, please mail to
We find it incredibly important that everyone feels welcome at our conference. That’s why we have a number of discounted tickets available.
We also invite institutes and other colleagues to purchase a ‘sponsor-ticket’ (extra to their own registration) for other participants who need support.
All requests will be reviewed in December 2024 and we will inform you about the support we can provide.
We have now distributed the sponsor tickets, it is no longer possible to submit a request. We want to thank all sponsors!!
For the Dutch participants accreditation will be requested at SKJ, NVRG, NIP-NVO.
Fun fact: The participants of the conference come from the following 15 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States and the Netherlands.
The conference is fully booked with 450 participants!!
There are still a few tickets available for the masterclasses on April 3rd!
All workshops are now on the webiste!! Choose your favorite workshop and we will see you in April!
We are proud to present our Keynotes and masterclasses. You can click on each speaker to read their contribution for the conference.
There are already 235 registrations for the conference from 13 different countries! We’ve received sign-ups from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, England, Scotland, Switzerland, Australia, Ireland, Finland, Denmark, France and Canada.
Exciting times ahead!
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We know that finding a hotel or place to stay in Amsterdam can be a challenge. We might have found something interesting for you with a discount. Check out the hotel we are excited about here.
The deadline for submitting your workshop proposal (our Call for Participation) has been extended by one week. The new date is September 22, 2024. We realised that making a short video is a big effort for the presenters, so we have decided to skip that request. We are happy if you send a lively descripition of your subject and ideas for presenting in the form for submission.
More info: Call for participation – Non Violent Resistance 2025 – Amsterdam (